Community members and visitors brave the frigid waters of Victoria Island near Ulukhaktok, NT.

Arctic cotton lined the banks of First River, located just minutes north of the beautiful coastal community of Ulukhaktok, NT. Brave residents and visitors faced the cold water and cool air temperatures head-on during National Drowning Prevention Week. Participants learned how to survive an unexpected entry into cold water and the effects it has on the body. Children, youth, adults, and elders learned how to roll-tread-swim, the key skills in the Lifesaving Society's Swim to Survive program, completing it in icy river waters. Everyone immediately experienced the impact of Cold Water Shock as soon as they rolled off the bank and learned the 1-10-1 principle; 1 minute to gain control of your breathing, 10 minutes of meaningful movement until cold water incapacitation sets in, and 1 hour before you may fall unconscious due to hypothermia. Vital lessons for a community whose traditional lifestyle exists on the shores and waters of Canada's Arctic Ocean.